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Inlay, Onlay, and Endocrown

Inlay, onlay, and endocrown applications in dental restorations provide aesthetic and functional improvements to teeth. These treatment options are preferred to preserve the structure of the tooth and offer long-lasting solutions in cases of damage or decay.

What is an Inlay?

An inlay is a type of filling used to treat decayed or damaged areas inside the tooth. It is usually made from materials such as porcelain, composite resin, or gold.

What is an Onlay?

An onlay is a type of restoration used to cover a larger area of the tooth. Unlike an inlay, an onlay can cover both the chewing surface and the sides of the tooth. It can be made from porcelain, composite resin, or gold.

What is an Endocrown?

An endocrown is a specialized type of crown used to reinforce a tooth after root canal treatment. It is placed over the root canal-treated tooth and provides structural integrity. Endocrowns are typically made from porcelain, metal, or composite materials.

Advantages of Inlays

  1. Aesthetic Appearance: Porcelain inlays match the natural color of the tooth, providing an aesthetically pleasing result.
  2. Durability: Inlays are made from strong materials, ensuring long-lasting durability and strengthening the tooth structure.
  3. Fit: Inlays fit the natural shape of the tooth and evenly distribute pressure on the tooth’s surface.

Inlay Application Process

  1. Preparation: The decayed or damaged part of the tooth is cleaned.
  2. Impression Taking: An impression is taken of the tooth to prepare the inlay material.
  3. Placement: The prepared inlay is bonded to the tooth with a special adhesive.

Advantages of Onlays

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Onlays provide full coverage in cases of extensive damage or decay, offering complete protection to the tooth.
  2. Aesthetics: Porcelain onlays match the natural color of the tooth, providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  3. Functional Restoration: Onlays restore the chewing function of the tooth and increase its durability.

Endokron Application Process

  1. Preparation: The decayed or damaged area of the tooth is cleaned.
  2. Impression Taking: An impression is taken of the tooth to prepare the onlay.
  3. Placement: The prepared onlay is bonded to the tooth with a special adhesive.

Advantages of Endocrowns

  1. Reinforcement: Endocrowns strengthen and increase the durability of root canal-treated teeth.
  2. Aesthetics: Porcelain endocrowns match the natural color of the tooth, providing an aesthetically pleasing result.

Durability: Made from strong materials, endocrowns are long-lasting.

Endokron Application Process

  1. Preparation: The root canal is treated, and the inside of the tooth is cleaned.
  2. Post Placement: A fiber post is placed into the root canal (if necessary).
  3. Crown Placement: The endocrown is bonded to the tooth with a special adhesive.

Why Choose Inlays, Onlays, and Endocrowns?

Inlay, onlay, and endocrown applications offer effective solutions for preserving dental health, improving aesthetics, and restoring function. At our dental clinic, we ensure that you achieve the best results with these treatments, thanks to our expert dentists. We are here to help you maintain healthy and strong teeth.

Contact us to schedule an appointment or to learn more. We are here to offer the best solutions for your dental health!