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Jaw Appliances

Jaw appliances are specialized orthodontic devices used to correct the alignment and functionality of the jaw and teeth. These devices offer various treatment methods to ensure the correct positioning of teeth and jaws.

Types of Jaw Appliances

Functional Appliances:

  • Upper Jaw Expander: Used in cases where the upper jaw needs to be expanded. This appliance supports the expansion of the jaw and ensures better positioning of the teeth.
  • Jaw Advancing Appliances: These appliances help move the lower jaw forward, correcting jaw relationships.

Palatal Expander:

  • Widening the Upper Jaw: A palatal expander is an appliance used to widen the upper jaw, particularly in patients with a narrow jaw.

Tooth Management Appliances:

  • Space Maintainers: Used as space maintainers to ensure proper eruption of permanent teeth in cases of early loss of baby teeth.
  • Space Maintenance and Rehabilitation Appliances: Maintain the space after tooth loss and support jaw development.

Fixed Appliances:

  • Brackets and Wires: Fixed appliances that support the correction of jaws and teeth. Brackets and wires attached to the teeth facilitate tooth movement.

Night Appliances:

  • Jaw Support: Night appliances are designed for nighttime use, correcting jaw movements and reducing issues like bruxism (teeth grinding).

Jaw Appliances Use Process

Initial Examination and Diagnosis:

  • Evaluation: The orthodontist evaluates the condition of the jaw and teeth. X-rays, photos, and measurements are taken to prepare a treatment plan.

Treatment Plan:

  • Appliance Selection: The appropriate jaw appliance is selected, and the treatment process is determined. The type and duration of appliance use are planned.

Application of Appliances:

  • Placement: The selected jaw appliance is placed inside the mouth, and instructions for use and care are provided.

Regular Check-ups:

  • Monitoring: The effects of the appliances are monitored, and the progress of the treatment is controlled. Adjustments are made to the appliances if necessary.

Post-Treatment Care:

  • Evaluation of Results: Once the treatment is completed, the final condition of the jaw and teeth is assessed, and any necessary final adjustments are made.
  • Retainer Use: A retainer may be needed to maintain the effects of the appliances.

Purposes of Jaw Appliances

Correcting Jaw Misalignments:

  • Upper and Lower Jaw Relationship: Jaw appliances help align the upper and lower jaws correctly in cases of misalignment.

Guiding and Accelerating Tooth Eruption:

  • Positioning Teeth: Jaw appliances support the proper eruption and alignment of teeth and can also accelerate their movement.

Resolving Functional Issues:

  • Chewing and Speaking Problems: Jaw appliances can correct chewing and speaking problems and improve oral functions.

Care for Jaw Appliances

  • Cleaning: Jaw appliances should be cleaned regularly. Special cleaning solutions can be used.
  • Food and Drink: Avoid hard and sticky foods that can damage the appliances.

Advantages of Jaw Appliances

Jaw appliances correct the alignment of the jaw and teeth while improving oral functions and providing a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Throughout the treatment process, jaw appliances support the healthy development of the teeth and jaws.

Contact us to schedule an appointment or to learn more. We are here to support your jaw and dental health and ensure ideal alignment!