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Retreatment (Root Canal Therapy Renewal)

Root canal therapy renewal (retreatment) is a treatment method used when a previous root canal therapy has failed, or the tooth has become re-infected. This procedure aims to re-treat the tooth, preserving its health and function. The retreatment services offered at our dental clinic aim to restore your dental health and comfort.

Kanal TedaWhat is Root Canal Therapy Renewal (Retreatment)?

Root canal therapy renewal is performed when a previously treated tooth becomes re-infected or the initial treatment was ineffective. This therapy involves re-cleaning, disinfecting, and refilling the root canals.

Reasons for Root Canal Therapy Renewal

  1. Treatment Failure: When the initial root canal therapy was not effective or not fully performed.
  2. Re-Infection of the Tooth: When bacteria left in the tooth lead to re-infection.
  3. Tooth Crack or Fracture: When physical damage to the tooth causes the pulp to become re-infected.
  4. Surrounding Issues: When environmental factors or poor oral hygiene lead to treatment failure.

Advantages of Root Canal Therapy Renewal

  1. Saves the Tooth: Corrects the failed initial treatment, preserving the natural tooth.
  2. Relieves Pain: Eliminates pain by removing re-infected pulp.
  3. Long-Term Solution: Ensures the tooth’s longevity and prevents future problems.

How is Root Canal Therapy Renewal Performed?

  1. Examination and Planning: Your dentist evaluates the tooth and reviews the previous treatment. A treatment plan is created using X-rays and other imaging techniques.
  2. Anesthesia Application: Local anesthesia is applied to ensure comfort during the procedure. This numbs the tooth and surrounding area.
  3. Removal of Old Fillings: The filling material used in the initial root canal therapy and any other restorations are removed.
  4. Cleaning of Root Canals: The infected or damaged tissue is removed, and the root canals are sterilized and cleaned.
  5. Refilling: The cleaned root canals are refilled with a special filling material.
  6. Restoration: The treated tooth is usually restored with a crown or filling, protecting it and restoring its normal function.

Post-Care for Retreatment

  1. Oral Hygiene: It is important to brush and floss the treated tooth regularly. Oral hygiene should be maintained.
  2. Check-ups: Regular dental check-ups should be scheduled. Your dentist will evaluate the condition of the treated tooth and make any necessary adjustments.
  3. Diet: Initially, it is recommended to avoid hard and sticky foods. Over time, you can gradually return to a normal diet.

Why Choose Root Canal Therapy Renewal?

Root canal therapy renewal re-treats the tooth when the previous treatment has failed, preserving its health and relieving pain. At our dental clinic, we ensure that you achieve the best results with this therapy, provided by our expert dentists. We are here to help you achieve healthy and functional teeth.

Contact us to schedule an appointment or to learn more. We are here to offer the best solutions for your dental health!